We are in this for the long run.
We will battle every day to become stronger and wiser in the face of comfort, fear, and the wear and tear of life.
We will be the ones who finish an Ironman at 80, who can lift our great grandchildren into the air at 90, who build houses for others at 95.
We dance in the rain with our grandkids.
We jump into the freezing water.
We know that everyone has a story, bears a weight.
We speak another language, mistakes and all.
We create with abandon and show our work without fear.
We make friends and revel in our differences.
FUCK short term fixes.
They make it seem like soon we won’t have to deal with our problems anymore.
That's bullshit.
We acknowledge that the discomfort, the struggle, the change, and the growing will always be there.
We know that you can't outrun the spoon.
We actually do eat less and exercise more.
We don’t lie to ourselves.
We brave our feelings.
We master our thoughts.
We see the true hardships others face and use our time on this earth to help lift them up.
We value living a life of purpose over chasing happiness.
Editor’s note: This is what we aspire to. We spend our time on this planet making it better.
This is VERY inspiring!